


A burly combat cyborg in an orange jumpsuit grabs two black-clad guards with his bare hands and swings them around in a raining prison playground. Other guards are panicking and screaming into the radio.


A burly combat cyborg in an orange jumpsuit grabs two black-clad guards with his bare hands and swings them around in a raining prison playground. Other guards are panicking and screaming into the radio.


Close-up of a middle-aged male police officer in sunglasses panicking and shouting into a radio microphone by the window of a prison lookout.



A distant view, a bird's-eye view, in the middle of a raining prison playground, a combat cyborg whose upper body is several times larger than usual breaks a shotgun with his bare hands and throws it away. Four men in police uniforms are lying around, and five police officers from far away shoot at the cyborgs with guns, but only sparks fly.


A distant view, a bird's-eye view, in the middle of a raining prison playground, a combat cyborg whose upper body is several times larger than usual breaks a shotgun with his bare hands and throws it away. Four men in police uniforms are lying around, and five police officers from far away shoot at the cyborgs with guns, but only sparks fly.



Distant view, bird's-eye view, in the middle of a raining prison playground, a fighting cyborg whose upper body is several times larger than a normal human is grabbing a police officer and throwing him away. Four men in police uniforms are lying around the cyborg, and five police officers from far away raise their guns and shoot the cyborg one after another, but only sparks fly.



けど結局、囚人サイボーグの一人が暴走に暴走を重ねて秘めた力を全開放してしまい…みたいな画像は生成できなかった。呪文の錬成不足というか、状況を言葉でAI にもわかるように描写出来ていないということだ。

A prison where everything was destroyed by a hurricane.




A cyborg in a police uniform, badly damaged and half-submerged on its back in muddy water.


A badly damaged and smoking police cyborg submerged with its face in muddy water.


A damaged and sparking police cyborg cradles a colleague cyborg who has been severely wrecked and half submerged in muddy water.
